The project «Media for Citizens Story Lab» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”
Media for Citizens Story Lab Statistics
The project «Media for Citizens Story Lab» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"
Preparatory activities: the activities involved 11 participants.
Location /Dates: Vilnius, Lithuania (online and offline), from 24/08/2022 to 25/08/2022
Short description: The aim of preparatory activities was to develop a unified strategy and enhance partner capacity for the Strategic Planning Meeting (Sep 29-Oct 2, 2022). To facilitate best practice exchanges and strengthen sustainable partnerships. Focus on establishing clear communication and reporting systems to ensure effective project implementation, adherence to deadlines, preparation for activities, audience engagement, financial planning, risk mitigation, and shared responsibilities.
9 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1: Strategic planing workshop “MediaStorm”
Participation: The event involved 35 citizens, including 12 participants from the cities of Vilnius and Zarasai (Lithuania), 8 participants from different cities of Slovakia, 5 participants from different cities of Austria, 3 participants from Montenegro, 3 participants from Belgium, 2 participants from Italy and 1 participant each from Albania and from France.
Location / Dates: The event took place in Antalieptė, Lithuania, from 29/09/2022 to 03/10/2022
Short description: The aim of the event was to gather people to discuss how trust in the media can be promoted and to create a concept for future local events which would connect local communities with activists, politicians and journalists. During the workshop while collaborating with experts from different countries, the concept “H!KE” was created by a group effort.
Location / Dates: Antaliepte, Lithuania, from 5/10/2022 to 8/10/2022
Participation: The event involved 26 citizens, including 11 participants from the cities of Vilnius, Jurbarkas, Klaipėda, Rietavas, Telšiai (Lithuania), 1 participant Trnava (Slovakia), 4 participants from Athens (Greece), 8 participants from Brussels, Leuven, Sint Niklaas, Londerzeel, Turnhaut, (Belgium) as well as 1 participant from Copenhagen (Denmark) and 1 from Bologna (Italy).
Short description: The international capacity-building training, led by seasoned professionals, empowered journalists to address socially sensitive topics and societal challenges with accuracy and social responsibility. It also facilitated collaboration with citizens in media production, revitalizing journalism. Participants gained new skills, inspiration, and networking opportunities.
Participation: The event involved 26 citizens, including 5 participants from the city of Vilnius (Lithuania), 6 participants from the city of Trnava (Slovakia), 5 participants from different cities in Montenegro, 2 participants from the city of Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 2 participants from the city of Rotterdam (the Netherlands), 2 participants from cities of Graz and Vienna (Austria). 1 from Cologne (Germany), 1 from Paris (France), 1 from Aarhus (Denmark) and 1 from Prague (Czech Republic).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Trnava, Slovakia, from 12/05/2023 to 14/05/2023
Short description: The international workshop enabled journalists, media professionals, and citizens to act as multipliers, organizing local training for their peers and citizen journalists. Participants gained new competencies, found inspiration, and benefited from networking opportunities, fostering a dynamic and collaborative learning environment.
Participation: The event involved 37 citizens, the majority of them: 34 participants from the cities of Vilnius, Kaunas, Utena, Kupiškis (Lithuania), 1 participant came from Podgorica (Montenegro), 1 from Latchi (Cyprus), 1 from Brussels (Belgium).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 03/05/2023 to 03/05/2023
Short description:“Hi!ke” provided a unique platform for Lithuanian journalists, politicians, representatives of socially excluded and marginalised groups to engage and connect. This experimental series of events was designed to explore a variety of methods for media and their audiences to establish trust-based relationships. Furthermore, the initiative aimed to motivate partners of the Media for Citizens Story Lab by demonstrating diverse, practical approaches to reconnect citizens with the media.
Event 5: LOCAL PUBLIC DISCUSSIONS “SHARE YOUR IDEA: CREATE A CHANGE”(later called Hi!ke) in Graz (Austria)
Participation: The event involved 130 citizens, including 6 participants from the city of Trnava (Slovakia), 6 participants from the city of Athens (Greece), 3 participants from the city of Vilnius (Lithuania), 4 participants from Warsaw (Poland) 2 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 1 participant from Prague (the Czech Republic), 1 participant from Podgorica (Montenegro), 8 participants from the cities of Berlin, Kiel (Germany), 2 participants from the city of Brussels (Belgium), 4 participants from Bucharest (Romania), 3 from the city of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 11 participants from Budapest (Hungary), 1 participant from Copenhagen (Denmark), 1 from the city of Tallinn (Estonia), 1 from the city of Dublin (Ireland), 1 participant from Florence (Italy), 2 participants fro Zagreb (Croatia), 2 participants from Nikosia (Cyprus), 2 participants from Ljubliana (Slovenia), 2 participants from the cities of Madrid, Barcelona (Spain) and 51 participants from the cities of Graz, Vienna, Salzburg, Linz (Austria) and 16 participants from non EU countries (1 from USA, 2 from Philippines, 3 from Armenia, 1 from UK, 1 from Serbia, 4 from North Macedonia, 1 from Turkey, 3 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Graz, Austria from 28/04/2023 to 29/04/2023
Short description: “Hi!ke” provided a unique platform for Austrian journalists, politicians, representatives of socially excluded and marginalised groups to engage and connect. This experimental series of events was designed to explore a variety of methods for media and their audiences to establish trust-based relationships. These discussions were integrated into the Young Innovators Festival of World Summit Awards which was attended by more than 400 people. Furthermore, the initiative aimed to motivate partners of the Media for Citizens Story Lab by demonstrating diverse, practical approaches to reconnect citizens with the media.
Event 6: LOCAL PUBLIC DISCUSSIONS “SHARE YOUR IDEA: CREATE A CHANGE”(later called Hi!ke) in Brussels (Belgium)
Location / Dates: The event took place in Brussels, Belgium from 27/06/2023 to 29/06/2023
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 6 participants from the city of Vilnius (Lithuania), 14 participants from Turnhout, Brussels (Belgium), 2 participants from Athens (Greece) and 1 participant each from the following countries: Niksic (Montenegro), Prague (The Czech Republic), Graz (Austria).
Short description: “Hi!ke” provided a unique platform for Belgian journalists, politicians, representatives of socially excluded and marginalised groups to engage and connect. This experimental series of events was designed to explore a variety of methods for media and their audiences to establish trust-based relationships. Furthermore, the initiative aimed to motivate partners of the Media for Citizens Story Lab by demonstrating diverse, practical approaches to reconnect citizens with the media.
Event 7: LOCAL PUBLIC DISCUSSIONS “SHARE YOUR IDEA: CREATE A CHANGE”(later called Hi!ke) in Rome (Italy)
Participation: The event involved 29 citizens, including 10 participants from the city of Rome (Italy), 7 participants from the city of Linz (Austria), 4 participants from the city of Vilnius (Lithuania), 2 participants from Nurnberg and Kiel (Germany), 1 participant from Trnava (Slovakia), 1 from Albania and 4 participants from different countries which not in the EU (2 from Iran, 1 from USA, 1 from Russia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Rome, Italy from 14/04/2023 to 17/04/2023
Short description: “Hi!ke” provided a unique platform for Italian journalists, politicians, representatives of socially excluded and marginalised groups to engage and connect. The aim of the event was to connect journalist with local communities, team of media makers, activists and politicians were visiting squatted areas and engaging with different minorities, irregular migrants, homeless people, ethnic minorities, etc. while discussing the multicultural history of Rome and the challenges Italy faces today with the accomodation of the homeless and innovations of journalistic reporting.
Participation: The event involved 36 citizens, including 30 participants from Podgorica, Niksic, Tuzi and Budva (Montenegro), 4 participants from the city of Vilnius (Lithuania), 1 participant from the city of Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and 1 participant from the city of Turnhout (Belgium).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Niksic, Montenegro, from 06/07/2023 to 08/07/2023
Short description: “Hi!ke” provided a unique platform for Montenegrian journalists, politicians, representatives of socially excluded and marginalised groups to engage and connect. This experimental series of events was designed to explore a variety of methods for media and their audiences to establish trust-based relationships. Furthermore, the initiative aimed to motivate partners of the Media for Citizens Story Lab by demonstrating diverse, practical approaches to reconnect citizens with the media. The aim of the event was to build trust among the activists, journalists, vulnerable groups and politicians. During the event a team of activists and journalists met with local politicians, discussed what has been done for integration of the most vulnerable people in the city. Afterwards two local community centers for people with mental disorders and Roma people were visited to hear their side about experience with local politics and media.
Event 9: Final results dissemination conference + Evaluation and sustainability meeting in Vienna
Participation: The event involved 81 citizens, including 5 participants from the city of Vilnius (Lithuania), 5 participants from Niksic and Podgorica (Montenegro), 1 participant from Trnava (Slovakia), 1 participant from Turnhout (Belgium) and 69 participants from cities of Graz, Vienna, Linz, Salzburg (Austria).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Vienna, Austria from 03/05/2023 to 03/05/2023
Short description: The final conference brought together engaged project participants and various stakeholders, including media representatives, to discuss project topics and findings. They shared best practices and ideas in citizen, engaged, and solution journalism. The concluding partners meeting focused on reviewing all activities, evaluating their effectiveness, and discussing next steps. Participants evaluated the project, especially local events, and compiled a document of best practices and lessons learned.

Media for Citizens Story Lab is a project aiming to empower media makers to connect with their audience, highlight important topics, and move media forward together. This project has been funded by the EU programme Europe for Citizens.