
We monitor and award the best – since 2019, we give “Black Mirror” awards, based on the results of our media monitoring. Throughout the year, using both qualitative and quantitative methods, our analysts monitor media content about the most stigmatised social groups.
We assess media content on topics such as mental health, sexual orientation, migration, religious and ethnic minorities. “Black Mirrors” are awarded to those that have been the most ethical in their reporting and inclusion of vulnerable groups’ voices.
The indices of media monitoring give us a look into media tendencies and problems that exist within. “Black Mirror” is an opportunity for Lithuanian media institutions to look at a mirror and see what their practices on talking about such topics are, rethinking their role in the society.
Winners are awarded in five categories: television, radio, national press, regional media, and news portal.
We announce winners as a “Television/Radio/National press/Regional media/News portal of all people.”
Winners of 2019
1. Television for all people “LRT”
2. Radio for all people “LRT”
3. Regional media for all people “Šiaulių kraštas”
4. News portal for all people “”
5. National press for all people “Lietuvos rytas”
Winners of 2021
1. Television for all people “LRT”
2. Radio for all people “LRT”
3. Regional media for all people “Kauno diena”
4. News portal for all people “”
Winners of 2022
1. Television for all people “LRT”
2. Radio for all people “LRT”
3. Regional media for all people “Kauno diena”
4. News portals for all people “” and “”