July 14 2014
Talk on human rights at the journalists’ trainings (VIDEO)

On 19-20 of June the journalists from Western Lithuania regions participated in trainings “Human Rights in Media: Ethical and Legal Aspects of Portraying Socially Vulnerable Groups” aimed at fostering advancement in issues concerning fighting hatred and assuming legal responsibility in written word, assess one’s skills according to the opinion of the experts and representatives of socially vulnerable groups.

Talk on human rights at the journalists’ trainings (VIDEO)

On 19-20 of June the journalists from Western Lithuania regions participated in trainings “Human Rights in Media: Ethical and Legal Aspects of Portraying Socially Vulnerable Groups” aimed at fostering advancement in issues concerning fighting hatred and assuming legal responsibility in written word, assess one’s skills according to the opinion of the experts and representatives of socially vulnerable groups.

“At our work, where we constantly deal with discrimination and the problems it poses, it is extremely important to learn” – said one of the training participants Gintarė Paulauskienė.

These trainings were the first ones aimed at educating not only journalists but also public relations specialists from the regional commissariats. “The cooperation between public officials and journalists is extremely important because it influences what kind of information reaches the readers, what stereotypes about socially vulnerable groups will be perpetuated or destroyed” – states Neringa Jurčiukonytė, Director of the National Institute of Social Integration.

In the trainings that lasted the two days, the participants had the opportunity to hear the lectures of Aleksandras Dobryninas, Liudvika Meškauskaitė, Deividas Velkas and Dainius Pūras.

These trainings that took place in Palanga are the first ones of  10 trainings that are planned in total. Two subsequent trainings will be organized in July, the remaining – in autumn.

Here are some of the most memorable moments from trainings, which we would like to share with you:

Media4Change movement is part of a project “Journalism – the Home of Human Rights”